
My daughter attended a slumber party a couple of nights ago.

It was your typical 5 or 6 girls telling their parents they had plans to sleep if not for that one girl who just kept the conversation alive until 3 or 4am and it would be rude not to listen and engage.

When my daughter arrived home the next morning, things appeared alien to her.

I know she didn’t know what time of day it was but I’m not sure she was aware of the month or the year either.

She was too weak to eat or speak but not too weak to moan out a few “Can we please close the blinds?” and tormenting her sisters while not as quick was still very much on the table.

Her hair had not been combed in what appeared to be several days. This is strange given I had watched her comb it before leaving the house to attend the party.

Her tongue was blue and not from brushing too much with blue toothpaste.

Her eyes darted around the room like a cat after a pen-light. I think the piñata filled with pixie stix powder managed to find a home inside her pillow case.

Her speech was slurred.

Her joints stiff.

She walked with some assistance and could eat only teaspoons of yogurt.

Slumber party success.

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