Mommy, Will You Play With Me?….

This morning, my kids asked, “Mommy, we’re playing restaurant. Will you play with us?”


Two kids in unison: YOU WILL?!!!!

Third kid with a ten second delay, in my face, “You will?????????”

I found their reactions strange given I “play” with them all day long. I’m a stay-at-home-Mom, of course I play with them. We’re together all day, every day.

But do I really play?

Let’s see, I know I get a lot of laundry folded while I referee a full-contact Connect Four match. I prepare dinner while Chloe colours circles at the kitchen table and I say, “Great job on those circles Chloe! Is it time to try an oval?” I watch the girls build a tower of blocks while I tidy the Littlest Pet Shop shopping mall that has been abandoned in the corner after Barbie and Ken arrived in the mall parking lot and things got ugly. I take them grocery shopping and ask them to help choose fresh produce or a box of cereal from the shelf and help me put the groceries into bags. That’s playing right?

It occurred to me in that moment, I don’t always get down on the floor and become fully engaged in their creative play. In part because I know I can use that time as an opportunity to get something done, to think about dinner options, to make beds, put away laundry, clean up a stain or sweep the floor. I can google things like, “how long does it take to sell a house after a lice invasion?”

I make excuses in my head like, “this independent play is a great way for them to get creative without me always being involved.” Or, “it’s a way for them to confront challenges and come up with solutions without the help of an adult coming in to save the day.” I feel better when I tell myself these things but the reality is my oldest is turning nine years old this week, time is flying by. Would it kill me to wait to change the garbage under the kitchen sink in fifteen minutes?

I sat down at the restaurant the kids had put together in the basement.

I learned a lot about my kids in just a few short minutes of make believe at Rosalinda’s Diner.

  1. They will over-salt the food of an ornery customer with an empty bottle of glitter glue. I like that they see salt as a way to poison people—they do listen.
  2. Before I had the chance to order, someone brought me a piping hot cup of “steeped tea with two milk” in a doll sized, yellow, plastic cup, just the way I like it. They know me better than I thought.
  3. There are two kinds of bacon; crispy and sizzlin’
  4. Asking what the difference is between crispy and sizzlin’ bacon will really annoy the chef. Just know there is a difference. A big difference.
  5. Hanna has 98 pieces of make-up and Ellie only has three. How did things spiral so out of control before being brought to my attention?
  6. Hanna was secretly awake last night when I came into her room and put her cozy blanket over her. She was too tired to say thanks but she was actually cold and was really happy I did that.


Sometimes we need to get down on the floor and play. One of us might discover what sizzlin’ bacon is.

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