Corneal Abrasion….

Like all new (and somewhat stale) parents, we thank our lucky stars every day the internet is working and we have access to WebMD.

Yesterday’s search was for “Corneal Abrasion” after my daughter came home from a play date with one eye swollen shut and a long list of symptoms.

It is my understanding she was standing on the ground, minding her own business (probably reading or engaging in some deep introspection about how to be the best daughter, sister and student she can be) while her friend was climbing a tree (a dangerous activity my kids would never participate in) when something landed in her eye.

We dismissed; chipmunk, sap, and robin’s egg from the list of suspects but couldn’t rule out; bark, dirt or bat guano.

WebMD had exactly what I was looking for with some vomit-in-your-mouth pictures to go with it.

I feared it was corneal abrasion (the words have lost all meaning) but ruled it out given she didn’t actually scratch her eye on anything.

Her eye continued to look red and puffy and at times, it was too painful to open if there was any light in the room.

I dismantled the disco ball, strobe light and ruled out flash-light wall puppets (at least for one night).

Fingers crossed her eye is back to normal this morning and the internet is working.

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