
Kids ask questions as a learning tool to help them better understand the world around them.

Sometimes they ask practical things like, “What are batteries?” “Why do the leaves change colour?” or “Why am I the only five year old on the planet wearing a t-shirt and shorts to gymnastics?”

Ellie asked, “Mom, can you start paying me an allowance? Since I did so well on my violin this week, you should hand over two smackeroonies.”

Me: What is a smackaroonie?

Ellie: I don’t know but I do know that two is better than one.

With age and experience, their questions are becoming more complex and sometimes difficult to answer.

Last night, Hanna asked something that caught me completely off guard. A question I never thought I would be tasked with answering in my lifetime.

Hanna: Mom, who is this Oprah I keep hearing about?

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