
Our school read-a-thon got underway yesterday and as expected, Ellie is determined to win gold or pizza or money or the prized pig or whatever it is she’s in competition to win.

As a participant, she’s encouraged to write down the amount of time spent reading each day and solicit sponsors to pay her for those minutes.

Ellie quickly got on the phone the second she removed her snow pants, flinging them into the laundry room and kicking her boots in opposite directions.

She called both Grandparents and lined up donations for both she and her sister who was pleading about being forced to do her piano homework and how life was unfair because Chloe watched a t.v. show while she was working hard at school.

Ellie did everything in her power to get those books read which will likely fizzle by day three but for day one, she did not disappoint.

She kept hydrated and asked (twice) “Does this orange juice have phlegm in it?” Um, I hope not.

First, she collected all of the books in the house from every shelf, basket and underwear drawer she could find that she thought she could tackle.

She read, re-read and listed each title on a piece of paper should the contest judges decide to change the rules to number of books read or neatest penmanship of book titles, she was leaving no stone unturned.

I explained she could wear her miner’s flashlight and read from bed but under no circumstances could she use a pen in her bed, I will now direct the court to Exhibit A—Hanna’s bed from when she fell asleep with a ball point pen on her pillow. I told her to place the books she had completed in a neat pile on the floor next to her and in the morning I would help her work on her list.

Minutes later, she had appeared in the dining room where I was rolling tomorrow’s cigars, with a stack of books on her head, several hugged tightly next to her body under her armpits and three between her knees while she waddled toward me.

She fumbled all of the books and asked, “Can you write my list now?”

“I can’t do it this minute honey but I will get to it.”

“Like in a few minutes?”

“Perhaps yes, goodnight honey.”

“When I’m asleep?”

I think my favourite moment of the read-a-thon so far was Ellie’s overzealous attempt at impressing her teacher in the early phase of the competition.

She made a giant poster to be hung in her classroom for all visitors, students and staff to enjoy.

In huge, colourful letters she wrote, “I LOVE TO REED!

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